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In 1922 Alexander Chizhevsky a young Belarusian scientist, unveiled to the world a preposterous theory: that all the great upheavals in the history of man, such as social unrest, war, and revolution, were caused by the activity of the sun. These extraordinary claims, contained in his first book, Physical Factors of the Historical Process, were greeted with near …
Alexander Chizhevsky: Physical Factors of the Historical Process Read More »
Month-of-Birth Patterns in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere One of the first scholars to be interested in the effect of month of birth on longevity was Ellsworth Huntington. In his book “Seasonality” (1938) he described the relationship between the seasons of the year and social, psychological, and demographic phenomena. On the basis of 10,890 persons …
Month of Birth Patterns North vs South hemispheres Read More »
Ayurveda and the Seasonal Regimen: Understanding Ritucharya Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine that originated in India, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between the mind, body, and spirit to promote overall health and well-being. One of the ways to achieve this balance is through the seasonal regimen or Ritucharya, which provides guidelines on …
Alexander Chizhevsky Russian: Алекса́ндр Леони́дович Чиже́вский(also Aleksandr Leonidovich Tchijevsky) (February 7, 1897 – December 20, 1964) was a Soviet-era interdisciplinary scientist, a biophysicist who founded “heliobiology” (study of the sun’s effect on biology) and “aero-ionization” (study of effect of ionization of air on biological entities).[1] He also was noted for his work in “cosmo-biology”, biological rhythms and hematology.”[2] He may be most notable for his use of historical …
After the sun reaches its furthest point from the sun, sometime after July 4th there is a gradual momentum shift for the planet as a whole. The relative slowness of the orbit of the earth around the sun at this furthest point, begins to shift as the earth will quicken its velocity through the ether … It took a long time for scientists to believe that animals were capable of sensing our planet’s magnetic field, and while we now know this so-called magnetoreception is very much a real phenomenon, researchers have yet to grasp a deep understanding of how this is achieved. Now, scientists are starting to piece together this …
newly discovered compass protein lines magnetic fields Read More »
Translation 1: To test his hypothesis that sunspot cycle influenced human activity, Tchijevsky constructed an Index of Mass Human Excitability covering each year form 500 BC to 1922 AD. He then investigated the histories of 72 countries during that period, noting signs of human unrest such as wars, revolutions, riots, expeditions and migrations, plus the …
Tchijevsky’s Theory of Sunspot Activity and Human Activity Read More »
More than three-quarters of all instances of human unrest—battles, upheavals, riots, revolutions, and wars—occur during the periods of the maximum number of sunspots in the Sun… So powerful is this cosmic zeitgeber that it may even influence our physical size, our longevity, our mental stability, our propensity to violence, and possibly even what we consider our uniquely …
The closeness of the orbit of the earth to the sun, it’s velocity and the intensity of the solar fields all coincide with the Winter Holidays in December. This change in bio-psychic energy seems to alter the perception of time. Many stories, books, movies and anecdotes support the validity of this feeling, Perhaps this is …
The Distortion of Perceptual Space Time Under Stress Read More »
The Calendar before Julius Caesar’s Calendar Even this calendar not is important to postal historians (!) it is important to know why Julius Caesar introduced his famous “Julian Calendar” in 45 BC. We do not know exactly what happened in the many years before 45 BC but the calendar used had originally commenced in March …
I think that the ancients realized this relationship through yoga and self study. By observing the body’s cycle superimposed over the calendar’s these sages and shamen made predictions based on their understanding of the celestial dynamics. As records and observations improved, the calendar has changed significantly and holidays moved to suit these observations. The heliocentric understanding of universe seemed …
The Season of Renewal and Suicide Plans are under way to install a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge, which has the highest number of suicides of any site worldwidePhoto by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images. The suicide rate does not peak during the holidays, and the media should stop saying it does, according to a report released Tuesday …
Tables: Births and Deaths by Month, 1995-2002 Federal statistics show regular seasonal patterns for births and deaths in the United States: Births tend to peak in August and September, just as deaths hit their nadir. Experts who have studied the trends don’t agree on a cause for the fluctuating birth rate — but most suggest factors including …
The mystery of the most fatal week of the year More British people die during the first full week of the year than at any other time. But perhaps surprisingly, it’s not as simple as blaming the cold weather. The fact that more people die during the winter months probably won’t come as much of …