The Perihelion Effect

Ancient Civilizations

The Ancients’ Understanding of Celestial Dynamics through Yoga, Ritual, and Self-Study

For centuries, ancient civilizations have been fascinated with the movements of the celestial bodies, particularly the sun and the moon. They have observed the cycles of these celestial bodies and how they coincide with the body’s own cycles, leading to predictions and a deeper understanding of the universe. These sages and shamen understood the relationship …

The Ancients’ Understanding of Celestial Dynamics through Yoga, Ritual, and Self-Study Read More »

The Solar Deity

Sun worship is the oldest form of common worship and reverence. Science has reduced our concept of the sun to a flaming ball of gas.

January Esoteric Holidays JANUARY ESOTERIC HOLIDAYS Jan 1 – Jan 31 January/Janus – Dedicated to Old Roman God-Goddess Janus – Jana, who knows both past and future. Jan 2 thru 3 Feast of Old Greek Goddess Hekate / Hecate– who guides all through transitions and crisis. Jan 3 or 4 Earth Perihelion – when the Earth is closest to the Sun. (It is …

January Esoteric Holidays Read More »

the ancients realized this relationship through yoga, ritual and self study

For centuries, ancient civilizations have been fascinated with the movements of the celestial bodies, particularly the sun and the moon. They have observed the cycles of these celestial bodies and how they coincide with the body’s own cycles, leading to predictions and a deeper understanding of the universe. These sages and shamen understood the relationship …

the ancients realized this relationship through yoga, ritual and self study Read More »

Equinoxes, Solstice, Cross Quarters shown as seasonal cusps, worshipped by pagans and later religious holidays Until 500 years ago most people other than a few far-sighted philosophical scientists imagined the sun, the planets and the stars all revolved around a stationary earth. After all, the same heavenly track made by the sun during the day is the planetary passageway at night. Eventually, the earth was shown …

Equinoxes, Solstice, Cross Quarters shown as seasonal cusps, worshipped by pagans and later religious holidays Read More »