The Perihelion Effect

Joseph Schuster

The Ancients’ Understanding of Celestial Dynamics through Yoga, Ritual, and Self-Study

For centuries, ancient civilizations have been fascinated with the movements of the celestial bodies, particularly the sun and the moon. They have observed the cycles of these celestial bodies and how they coincide with the body’s own cycles, leading to predictions and a deeper understanding of the universe. These sages and shamen understood the relationship …

The Ancients’ Understanding of Celestial Dynamics through Yoga, Ritual, and Self-Study Read More »

1246 December Solstice was on the same day as the Earth reached its perihelion

In 1246, the December Solstice was on the same day as the Earth reached its perihelion. Since then, the perihelion and aphelion dates have drifted by a day every 58 years. In the short-term, the dates can vary up to two days from one year to another. Mathematicians and astronomers estimate that in 6430, over …

1246 December Solstice was on the same day as the Earth reached its perihelion Read More »

Scientists detect unexpected widespread structures near Earth’s core

University of Maryland geophysicists analyzed thousands of recordings of seismic waves, sound waves traveling through the Earth, to identify echoes from the boundary between Earth’s molten core and the solid mantle layer above it. The echoes revealed more widespread, heterogenous structures—areas of unusually dense, hot rock—at the core-mantle boundary than previously known.  Scientists are unsure …

Scientists detect unexpected widespread structures near Earth’s core Read More »

Virus Seasonality

Why do dozens of diseases wax and wane with the seasons—and will COVID-19? Scientists are unraveling why each pathogen has its own calendar Different diseases have different patterns. Some peak in early or late winter, others in spring, summer, or fall. Some diseases have different seasonal peaks depending on latitude. And many have no seasonal …

Virus Seasonality Read More »

for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,  maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.  Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to …

for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation Read More »

Did this months mass Meditation affect the Earths electromagnetc field? “At any given moment about 2,000 thunderstorms roll over Earth, producing some 50 flashes of lightning every second. Each lightning burst creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle around Earth captured between Earth’s surface and a boundary about 60 miles up [the lower ionosphere]. Some of the waves – if they have just the …

Did this months mass Meditation affect the Earths electromagnetc field? Read More »

The Perihelionism Times 2019

Perihelionist 2019 January the pulse | the slingshot | Holiday Highs and Lows…. Wide ranging implications of an undiscovered perihelion effect remain unexplored It Seems Undeniable That There Must Be Some Effect From This Variable Distance And Change Of Orbital Velocity. consider your own experience. Have you noticed a sudden rise of energy that pivots …

The Perihelionism Times 2019 Read More »

Kellogg & the Perihelion Plagues of 1880

J.H. Kellog M.D. THE perihelionists have doubtless been most sadly disappointed the past year; for instead of having the coldest winter and the hottest summer ever experienced, the last winter was remarkably mild, and the recent summer has been most aggravatingly cool, and this notwithstanding the steady approach of the frightful perihelion which it has …

Kellogg & the Perihelion Plagues of 1880 Read More »

Johannes Kepler Theorized That Each Planet Sings a Song, Each in a Different Voice: Mars is a Tenor; Mercury, a Soprano; and Earth, an Alto

Johannes Kepler determined just how the planets of our solar system make their way around the sun. He published his innovative work on the subject from 1609 to 1619, and in the final year of that decade he also came up with a theory that each planet sings a song, and each in a different voice …

Johannes Kepler Theorized That Each Planet Sings a Song, Each in a Different Voice: Mars is a Tenor; Mercury, a Soprano; and Earth, an Alto Read More »