Category: Seasonality
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The Power of Perihelion
We are all familiar with the idea of holiday stress. That feeling that time is going by faster and faster from Autumn until New Years.
Virus Seasonality
Why do dozens of diseases wax and wane with the seasons—and will COVID-19? Scientists are unraveling why each pathogen has its own calendar Different diseases
Seasonality and the Corona Virus
There is currently a lot of speculation about the seasonal cycle of the Corona virus. In fact because it is a Novel virus there is
Solar flare: The sun touches our psyche
From 1948 to 1997, the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia found that geomagnetic activity showed three seasonal peaks each of those years
Month of Birth Patterns North vs South hemispheres
Month-of-Birth Patterns in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere One of the first scholars to be interested in the effect of month of birth on longevity
Ritucharya: Ayurvedic Seasonal Regimen
Ayurveda and the Seasonal Regimen: Understanding Ritucharya Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine that originated in India, emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between
Earth’s Seasons
Universal Time 2016 2016 Perihelion Jan 2 23 Equinoxes Mar 20 04 30 Sept 22 14 21 Aphelion July 4 16 Solstices June 20 22
Depression, mental illness and mood swings in the third world
There is inconclusive data regarding seasonal affected mood disorder in the third world. This is due in large part to a lack of research funds.
Revisiting the “Christmas Holiday Effect” in the Southern Hemisphere
Journal of the American Heart Association Abstract Background A “Christmas holiday effect” showing elevated cardiovascular mortality over the Christmas holidays (December 25 to January 7)
Occurrence of suicide and seasonal variation
Occurrence of suicide and seasonal variation. Retamal P, Humphreys D. Departamento de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
What do Kepler’s Elliptical orbits have to do with the Holidays?
Consider this; As the winter holidays approach, the earth is approaching the sun. It is gaining velocity at an increasing rate. This acceleration increases until
The origin of Halloween
Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in). The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is
observing the body’s cycle
I think that the ancients realized this relationship through yoga and self study. By observing the body’s cycle superimposed over the calendar’s these sages and shamen made
The Balance of Nature
The Balance of Nature Each kind of life is suited to the physical conditions of its habitat–the type of soil, the amount of moisture and
Kepler’s Law Summer vs Winter season
Kepler’s Law Question: The Earth is closer to the sun in the winter than in the summer, according to Kepler’s law. If this is the
Seasonal changes in 24-h patterns of suicide rates: a study on train suicides in The Netherlands
Seasonal changes in 24-h patterns of suicide rates: a study on train suicides in The Netherlands. van Houwelingen CA, Beersma DG. Department of Psychiatry, Groningen
Kepler’s Law Question
Kepler’s Law Question: According to Kepler’s law the Earth is closer to the sun in the summer winter than in the summer. If this is